Studio Policy & Tuition Rates



Hemdah's Music Studios, LLC provides piano lessons for neurodiverse and neurotypical students through sensory regulation and a clear, simple, step by step, wonder filled approach to learning to play the piano effortlessly.




I teach ages 4 through adult. I work with students who are interested in playing for their own enjoyment as well as performing in contests, and preparing to major or minor in music in college. I work with both neurotypical and neurodiverse students, including Autistic and ADHD students. A liberated technique gives students a solid foundation to express themselves authentically.

I use classical, jazz/blues, pop, rock, ragtime, and praise and worship music, among other styles.




I provide private and group lessons weekly, with a calendar of 34 lessons scheduled each school year. Lessons begin the week of Monday, August 26, 2024 and continue through Thursday, May 29, 2025. Students will also receive training videos, created by Hemdah, based on the needs of students as they arise.

You will receive a studio calendar of private lessons, group lessons, and holidays at the first lesson. Summer private lessons are arranged individually. To keep their time slot open for the following school year, students are required to sign up for a Summer Music Camp or three to four private lessons, or pay a non-refundable deposit of $50.




Tuition is due on the first of the month, and is late if not received by the 10th. There is a $10 late payment charge assessed each month tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month.

Make checks payable to: Hemdah Salonimer-Horner, or to Hemdah’s Music Studios LLC. You may also pay cash, Stripe, Venmo, or Paypal.

Annual tuition is due August 15, 2024, or biannual tuition is due—August 15, 2024, and January 15, 2025. Paying in this way is the best deal.

Monthly tuition is divided into 10 equal installments beginning August 15,2024, and continuing through May 2025. There is an additional 5% assessed for monthly payments.


There are different price points depending on whether you sign up for the year, and whether you choose 30, 45, or 60 minute lessons. Families should expect yearly tuition increases or adjustments.


Missed Lessons

There are no refunds or credits for missed lessons. If a lesson is cancelled, students will have the option to have an online lesson if the student feels well enough. Otherwise, with at least 24 hours notice, or, in the event of sudden illness, by 10:00 a.m. the day of the lesson, the student’s name will be placed on a makeup lesson list. If another student cancels, you will be notified by email or phone of the availability of the time. Makeup lessons are given on a first come, first served basis. A maximum of two lessons can be made up per school year. I do not guarantee a makeup lesson will be given. Group lessons cannot be made up. (If I have to cancel a lesson, then I will make up the lesson.)



Swap List

If a conflict arises that prevents a student from taking a lesson one week, instead of missing the lesson you may swap lesson times with another student for that week. Lesson time swaps are arranged by phone between students. Please notify the studio by call or text. Phone numbers and email addresses are for use in lesson swaps and lesson contacts, and should not be shared with others. The teacher is not responsible for swap mix-ups. (Please sign at the end of the contract if you want your name and contact information available for the swap list. Your contact information will only be given to those on the swap list.)